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Embrace the change
the change«

The solution builder DNA.

»If you don't know where you are going, then any road will get you there.«

Mark Twain


Growth through cell division

The strong growth of the past five years required processes to be adapted or reorganised in parts. The organisation was updated, with a new management tier added at department level. Hauff-Technik was able to maintain its power and dynamism in key disciplines, but increasingly had to pay the price for its size of more than 450 employees.

So the idea evolved to set up manageable units as a way of continuing to develop virtues that had previously applied to all of Hauff-Technik. Furthermore, the ERP system from SAP introduced throughout the company in 2020 offers everything required to allocate income and expenses directly to an originator in a profit centre structure. Structuring the further growth in such transparent and powerful units in a manner akin to the biological process of cell division will make it possible to maintain and systematically enhance the existing strengths of Hauff-Technik without having to accept the shortcomings of an increasingly large and potentially cumbersome organisation.



Deepen and broaden

In the coming years, Hauff-Technik will focus on two central aspects: deepening and broadening. By deepening, we mean applying an even stronger and clearer process orientation to how we think and act. Thus the integrated management system comprises methods and instruments for complying with requirements from different areas such as quality, environment, occupational health and safety, security and energy. The bundling of resources and the use of shared knowledge enables efficient control and achievement of objectives. By broadening, we mean using our current building sealing activities to specifically target and acquire even more customers outside of the German-speaking countries. In addition, we will be using turnover and revenue in the growth segment of fibre-optic infrastructures to fuel the further growth. The strategy is based on the three pillars of streamlined processes, a living organisation and a strong Hauff-Technik culture.


From manufacturing to Industry 4.0

If one thing is constant in the history of Hauff-Technik, then it is change. What this also means is that we were, are and will remain constantly on the move. Coming to a standstill is something we cannot and will not accept. There are several milestones that represent the dynamics of change that drive us forward.


Foundation of Hauff-Technik

Werner Hauff, together with his wife Hilde Hauff, founds Hauff-Technik in Heidenheim as an injection-moulding business for Hartmann, Bosch and other companies partaking in the post-war economic miracle in Germany. Right from the start, innovation and creative energy are the driving force of the young company.


First cable entry

Initially a subcontractor, the company later starts to offer its own product range. Yet it is with the first industrially produced cable entry that the real success story begins. What makes this product so special is not just the idea, but rather its modular structure, which endures from the first design right up to the present day.


Hauff-Technik goes international

The success story also gathers pace outside of Germany with the first international partner in the Netherlands.


Plant expansion

The company outgrows the Herbrechtingen site. Parts of production are transferred to neighbouring Syrgenstein.



In 1986, INDUS Holding AG becomes the sole shareholder of Hauff-Technik. With its sustainable business model, INDUS offers a very good framework for the independent corporate development of Hauff-Technik.


Manufacturing of pipe entry systems starts

Reliable sealing is not just for cables – what has held true for them for over 10 years will now hold true for pipes as well. 


Manufacturing of multi-line building entries starts

Beginning of a revolution: the collective feeding in of gas, electricity, water and telecommunications with a single sealing system revolutionises housebuilding. 


Trenchless building entries

A new standard technology conquers the world: with soil displacement hammers and the new ZAPPO building entry, it becomes possible to reliably seal building entries on the outside and inside without a trench. 


Three become one

Now, what belongs together is growing together: the company which has been split over three sites is now brought together at the new facility. The new site provides sufficient space for production and administration activities and its modern architecture means that everything is in close proximity, enabling an efficient workflow.


Foundation of Hauff-Technik Middle East FZE in Ajman

Hauff-Technik makes its plans for international growth a reality with the first subsidiary in the United Arab Emirates.


ZweiCom-Hauff GmbH joint venture

Hauff-Technik acquires an interest in ZweiCom GmbH, a company specialising in the development and manufacture of passive components for fibre-optic infrastructure.


Opening of Hauff-Technik Swiss AG

In February, the Swiss subsidiary Hauff-Technik Swiss AG opens its new customer and sales centre in Oensingen.


Introduction of SAP

With the introduction of the new ERP system SAP, Hauff-Technik takes a big step in the direction of digitalisation – through the virtual linking of all departments and the introduction of fully automated processes. 


Opening of the logistics centre

After 18 months of construction, Hauff-Technik opens one of the most modern logistics centres in the region in early 2021. 


Relocation of Hauff-Technik MIDDLE EAST

Hauff-Technik MIDDLE EAST leaves the Free Zone in Ajman, moves to new premises in Dubai and changes its name to Hauff-Technik MIDDLE EAST General Trading L.L.C.


Foundation & opening of Hauff-Technik UK Limited

Hauff-Technik expands its international growth and opens a third national company in Chesterfield, UK, in March.

Our values.

We have defined six corporate values for ourselves. They are an essential element of our corporate identity. With these values, we define how we conduct ourselves towards our customers and within the company.

»An essential key to success is to embrace the change. It's important not just to understand the change, but to get involved and actively shape it. We can see how strongly employees identify with the company when they refer to themselves as Hauffis.«
Dr. Michael Seibold
Managing Director

Take criticism seriously

Constructive criticism adds value. For the company and for each individual employee. Our criticism is never personal; it is always directed at the matter in hand and has just one objective: to drive us forward.

Supply and demand

We aim to get a little better every day. To this end, we encourage and demand performance. We define objectives, take responsibility and put our heart and soul into every task.

Stick to agreements

Reliability is a fundamental virtue of German SMEs and hence also a pillar of our success.

Embrace change

We are constantly on the move – standing still is tantamount to taking a step backwards. With this in mind, we are also open to new ideas and actively drive change.

Respect others

Treating people with respect and as equals is the basis of all cooperation. It is only by showing respect that I can also ask for respect in return.

Work together

What do we want to be – a part of the problem or a part of the solution? The answer to this comes from within and in how we work with our colleagues.

Take responsibility - find solutions.

As a responsible member of the company, we are aware of the responsibility we have towards our customers, business partners and employees. In keeping with this, we pledge ourselves to the code of conduct derived from this awareness.

Whistleblower system

The whistleblower system is intended to identify violations of the law and rules, to assess the situation and to remedy the deficiency. Violations of the law or the Hauff-Technik code of conduct can damage the company or adversely affect individuals. Violations can be reported in the anonymous SpeakUp whistleblowing solution as well as online via voicemail. Examples of violations:

  • Corruption, antitrust and money laundering offences
  • Theft, embezzlement and enrichment offences
  • Violations of physical and psychological integrity
  • Cases of sexual harassment, discrimination, racism
  • Criminal data privacy violations
  • Accounting and bookkeeping violations with material impact that are externally discernible
  • Violations related to technical specifications and/or technical security
  • Violations of human rights (e.g. violation of the principles of the UN Global Compact)
  • Violations related to environmental regulations and/or failure to comply with product-related environmental regulations
  • Export check violations, sanction violations

You will find explanations of how to use the whistleblower system in the following guide and the FAQs.

SpeakUp guide
SpeakUp FAQ

You will find privacy information about the SpeakUp whistleblower system here.

The whistleblower system of Hauff-Technik GmbH & Co.KG can be accessed via the following channels:

Tel.: +49 800-1801733 (free)
